Our Autism Hub: Classes 1 and 2
We are commissioned by the Bi-Borough Local Authority to provide 20 places in our Autism Hub. The focus and aim of our Hub is the successful integration and enabling autistic children to access to a main stream curriculum. We take an individual needs led approach meaning that some children may be taught full time in a mainstream class with additional wrap around therapeutic support. Other children may benefit from learning within our Hub classrooms for targeted interventions and specialist teaching with daily access to carefully planned mainstream lessons.
The Hub offers a personalised curriculum, but one which also reflects the mainstream curriculum. As part of the compatibility criteria, children are expected to be able to access mainstream learning, participate in mainstream activities and benefit from interactions with mainstream peers. All the children named in The Hub eat in the lunch hall with the rest of the school and have access to the mainstream playgrounds, where they are supported to play and engage with their mainstream peers.
In order to meet the needs associated with autism, we use the following approaches which are embedded into the school day:
- SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional Supports)
- Attention Autism
- The Zones of Regulation
- PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
- Colourful Semantics
- Intensive Interaction
- Social Stories
- Language for Thinking
- Autism Level Up
The children named in the provision also have access to a Speech and Language Therapist (one day per week), Occupational Therapist, Music Therapist (one day per week) and Forest School for one half term every academic year.
Please also see The Hub's Speech and Language Therapy Local Offer here
Admission to The Hub is decided by the local authority SEND panel followed by consultation with the school and the child meeting our compatibility criteria.
Curriculum Map