Year 4 :'At MPS we just learn so much. We learn how to be readers, writers, historians, geographers, musicians, mathematicians, scientists and designers. We get to be creative and think for ourselves.'
Curriculum Map
Knowledge Organisers
History and Geography | Roman Britain | Rivers | Anglo-Saxons | Vikings |
Migration |
Natural Resources |
R.E | Rites of Passage | Imagery | A Good Life | Signs and Symbols |
Rituals | Imagery |
Science | Electricity | States of Matter | Living Things | Living Things |
Animals including Humans |
Sound |
Computing | Editing Images |
Flat file Database | Repetition in Games | Repetition in Shapes |
The Internet | Editing Audio |
Subject Progression Maps
Reading | Writing | Spelling | Maths | Science |
Geography | R.E | P.E | Music |
Personal Development | Computing | Art | Design Technology |
Parent Workshops