Marlborough Primary School




Cultivating curiosity through knowledge and enquiry.





“Our greatest weakness in life is giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to just try one more time.” – Thomas A Edison

We take a ‘hands on’ approach to science learning at Marlborough Primary school. The science curriculum encourages children to develop an enquiring mind, to hypothesise, predict and question the world around them. Practical investigations and experiments underpin our intent for the science curriculum, allowing children to fully develop their skills as well as gaining hands on practical experience of science in action. Through conducting scientific experiments, we enable children to develop their skills of prediction, following a method, recording results, drawing conclusions and reasoning.

We want all our children to apply the scientific knowledge they have learnt to the real world and understand how science can be used in future careers. Not only this, but we have carefully planned opportunities for children to use all of the working scientifically skills that underpin our curriculum (See progression map). Our science curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners including those with SEND the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Children engage in study across a range of scientific areas including habitats, materials, humans and animals, forces, electricity, light, sound and plants.

How we teach Science

We ensure that the skills required to work and think scientifically are developed progressively throughout children’s time at the school; they can apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts. Key scientific terminology is explicitly taught and children are encouraged to use this vocabulary and explain their thoughts clearly both orally and in written work. We want children to continually ask questions and be curious about their

surroundings. We use quality resources such as Reach Out CPD and the Ogden trust to help inform our planning.

In every science lesson we teach at Marlborough, a different type of scientific enquiry is always present throughout. Scientific enquiry describes the processes and skills pupils are taught to use, to find out about the world and how it works. The strands of working scientifically are: 








  Comparative and Fair Testing

In KS2 we complete a range of fair tests to either prove or disprove a given hypothesis. We always make sure our tests are fair and we know which variables to keep the same and which to change. Examples of this include making a range of boats to test water resistance, and testing which material is best for making a parachute! When fair testing, we use the following steps:




      Identifying and Classifying

We can identify and classify a range of living animals and plants based on their characteristics. Living things can be sorted into a series of classifications by using a series of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. We use identifying and classifying in our ‘living things and their habitats’, ‘plants’, ‘animals including humans’ and ‘rocks’ topics.





            Observing over time

Scientists need to observe things over time. How often we need to look depends on what is being observed. For example, if we observe the effect of heat on ice cream, changes will happen rapidly. Conversely, observing the changes of the moon takes just under one month.


 Pattern Seeking:

Pattern Seeking involves observing, recording and analysing data. Patterns give us clues that we can analyse and use to draw conclusions. We use this skill in our electricity topics – where we find out what all circuits need to work effectively. Finally, in our seasonal changes topic, we look at the length of the days relative to the seasons changing.



Reasoning using Secondary Sources

In Science, we often need to use books, search online and watch appropriate films to build our knowledge on the topic. It is always important to consider the source we are gathering our information from. The skill is especially useful in our Earth and Space topic.


Our children: 

  • Develop an enquiring mind
  • Ask and answer their own questions
  • Use different types of scientific enquiry
  • Present their data in a range of ways
  • Make observations and comparisons
  • Identify patterns
  • Use scientific evidence to support their findings
  • Understand how science applies to the real world

Impact is measured through both formative and summative assessment opportunities. Assessment data is collated three time a year to inform an end of year judgement which is reported to parents.