Marlborough Primary School

Personal Development

Encouraging and enabling healthy bodies, minds and  relationships.






We believe that our children are best able to learn through a having healthy body and mind, and enjoying healthy relationships.  Put simply, unhappy children can’t learn.

How we teach PD:

In order to achieve our intent, we’ve created an age appropriate and progression-based program of study that covers both the statutory guidance in RSE as well as other subjects that are relevant to our leaners. The curriculum is aimed to equip our children with the skills to navigate an ever-changing world, now and in the future.  We aim to nurture happy, healthy and empowered citizens.

There are 6 strands to our PD curriculum for each half term.  We allow flexibility in the curriculum to enable teachers to react to problems or question that can arise as the academic year progresses.  We aim for our PD offering to be reactive and preventive.

Strand 1 -Being a positive member of the MPS community.

EYFS: Understand the importance of rules and structure.

 KS1: Understand and explain how healthy friendships and family units support us and keep us secure.  They develop a strong awareness off manners and courtesy. They follow structures and routines.

 KS2: Children are equipped with the understanding of importance of respect (including to people in positions of authority).  They understand how to navigate friendships and family relationships and what to do if these relationships concern them. Children can create their own routines and understand how important structure is.

Strand 2 - Resolving conflicts and supporting each other.

EYFS: Understand that hurting someone is never acceptable.

 KS1:  Understand relationships can have ups and downs. Children can resolve conflicts and understand that everyone should be considerate of one another.

 KS2:  Understand the important of respecting of everyone and myself.  Children can explain how negative stereotypes can be.

Strand 3- Staying safe online 

EYFS:  Children have an awareness and understand the rules of staying safe online.

 KS1:  Understand that some people act differently when online and this can be dangerous.  Children understand how to report their concerns.

KS2: Use the internet safely and can navigate the internet as safely as they do in real life. They can recognise risks of theirs and other people behaviour online.



Strand 4 - Staying safe in our community

EYFS: Name their trusted adults.

KS1: Know and understand that it is not right to keep secrets if they relate to being safe.

 KS2:  Know the difference between bullying and friendship conflict. Understand responsibilities of bystanders when they see bullying or unkindness happening.

Strand 5 -Healthy bodies and healthy choices 

EYFS:  Keep themselves clean and understand why it is important.

KS1:  Have strategies to keep themselves clean and healthy understand why it is important to have a healthy lifestyle.

KS2:  Recognise the link between physical and mental health and can make informed choices about what they put in their bodies.

Strand 6 - Growing and Changing 

EYFS:  Understand they grow and change.

KS1:  Use the proper names for their body parts for safeguarding purposes. 

KS2:  Understand what to expect during puberty and explain the changes they will experience during this time.  Children understand reproduction.  

Children's voices 

“I really liked learning about being a good friend and thinking about how to support each other.   I found the learning about healthy diets really helpful.” ( Year 6).


“I loved writing a letter to my future self, it really helped me reflect on what I’ve achieved and what I want to do in the future.”  ( Year 4).


“Learning about how we change and how our bodies might change and how to be hygienic will be something that will be helpful in the future (Year 4).”


“I found learning about being a kind person were my favourite types of lessons, I loved learning about how to help homeless people, how to care for your community.  We spoke about giving food to homeless people and being really kind. (Year 3).”