Marlborough Primary School

The Autism Hub

Inclusion is at the forefront of all we do

Our Autism Hub

We are commissioned by the Local Authority to provide 20 additional places in our Resource Provision for Autism (ARP), known in our school as The Hub. Our  Hub offers two provision models; these are The Hub and The Mainstream Hub. To understand more about the different models please click on the button to the right.

Provision for EHCPs at MPS





The Hub caters for children with a primary diagnosis of autism, from Reception to Year 6 who need a bespoke learning environment and curriculum in order to make progress.  We have 2 classrooms, which are split into Early Years / Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. Each Hub class is staffed by a full time Class Teacher and Partner Teachers who are all trained and experienced in working with autistic children. 

For children learning in our Hub Classrooms, this will be specified in Section F, the provision section, of their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). They will have access to specialist teachers who plan and deliver an inclusive and personalised curriculum. Children will also be able to access the Bodyshop containing a swing, hammock, trampoline and other equipment which supports the development of gross and fine motor skills. The Sensory Room provides a space for social interaction as well as relaxation and regulation. All children learning in The Hub are linked to a mainstream class which they are expected to be able to access and participate in on a daily basis.

The Hub offers a personalised curriculum, but one which also reflects the mainstream curriculum. As part of the compatibility criteria, children are expected to be able to access mainstream learning, participate in mainstream activities and benefit from interactions with mainstream peers.

The children also have access to a Speech and Language Therapist one day per week, Occupational Therapist and a Music Therapist one day per week as well as Forest School in the Spring Term.


 The Mainstream Hub caters for children with a primary diagnosis of autism, from Reception to Year 6, who need additional support and provision in order to thrive in their mainstream classes. 

Children who have The Mainstream Hub named in Section F, the provision section, of their EHCPs may have access to the following additional provision to support their learning needs and outcomes:

* The Bodyshop and sensory room

* Music Therapy

* Targeted intervention lessons within the Hub classrooms, delivered by Hub Class Teachers.

* Sensory supports and resources 

As part of the compatibility criteria, children are expected to be able to access mainstream learning without the need for continual adult support and to be working broadly within age-related expectations.

The children also have access to a Speech and Language Therapist one day per week, Occupational Therapist and a Music Therapist one day per week as well as Forest School in the Spring Term.


In order to meet the needs associated with autism, we use the following approaches which are embedded into the school day:

Please also see The Hub's Speech and Language Therapy Local Offer here


Admission to The Hub is decided by the Local Authority SEND panel followed by consultation with the school and the child meeting our compatibility criteria.

Knowledge Organisers