Marlborough Primary School



Inspiring artists to confidently express their imagination and thoughts whilst appreciating the work of others.





  • To provide opportunities for children to explore the meaning behind famous art works, genres and artists, while making their own art in various forms through exploring, refining and mastering technical skills.
  • For children to develop their artistic skills and appreciation as they progress through the school, using art to make connections and interpret the world around them.
  • To inspire our children, staff and wider community, encouraging everyone to gain confidence in expressing themselves and develop a lifelong love of the arts through whole-school art events and public art competitions.

How we teach Art



At Marlborough, we have crafted an inspiring creative Art curriculum that truly sets us apart.

Based on the Elements of Art, our lessons spark the children’s imaginations whilst learning how to use the elements in different ways for effect. We encourage our children to think like an artist: to keep an open mind, have confidence in themselves, to persevere and to express their individuality. Our children have the opportunity to create with vast array of materials, from paints, oil pastels and chalk to plaster, clay and India ink. We draw inspiration from renowned artists and diverse cultures worldwide, from studying the vibrant lines and shape of Kandinsky to replicating the intricate patterns of Arabic calligraphy. These wide-ranging prompts expose children to a range of skills, styles, techniques and materials, which in turn allows them to experiment with finding their own artistic strengths and styles. We have planned our curriculum with a clear focus on progression, which allows our children to build upon their skills and knowledge, advancing into concepts like perspective and colour theory.

In the Early Years, we follow a process-based approach based on the Elements of line, shape, colour, form and texture. This approach values the journey and exploration of art-making rather than focusing solely on the end result. We encourage our children to experiment, take risks and express themselves, resulting in self-confidence, imagination and a sense of personal achievement. We have seen our youngest artists learn to embrace the creative process as a valuable experience in itself and cultivate a lifelong love for art.

We have two successful art clubs, where those with a passion for art can learn more advanced skills. These clubs build upon our fantastic curriculum and explore specific art movements such as abstract expressionism and pop art, as well as allowing the children to collaborate on large-scale pieces or try experimental techniques such as action painting with mops!

Combining all of these elements, our creative curriculum empowers our children to become confident artists who produce incredible artwork. 

When you walk into our Art Room 

When you walk into our Art room, you will see confident, happy artists. They take pride in their artwork, master skills more proficiently and have an improved intention when they create. They can talk about their artwork and the artwork of their peers, using appropriate vocabulary. They are independent learners, able to go and get the tools and materials they need to create their art. They are gaining confidence in using their sketchbook as a place to experiment and express their thoughts. They have a positive mindset and encourage that in others.

Our Learning Landmarks provide a clear progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary. They aid assessment and evaluation, ensuring our art curriculum remains consistent and aligned. The Learning Landmarks feed directly into our learning languages which are shared with the children in each lesson. This allows them to set realistic goals and manage their own productivity and motivation in order to improve their artistic abilities and produce larger art pieces.

Our introduction of Artsonia for assessment in art has had a significant impact. These digital portfolios provide an authentic audience, encouraging children to take pride in their work and strive for higher standards. Parents and other approved ‘fans’ can leave feedback, which fosters critical thinking and reflection. It also serves as an online gallery, where our children’s artwork can be shared and celebrated. 

Our children say:

EYFS:     “I like trying to learn how to make art that’s beautiful.”
Year 2: “We learn how to draw new things…more challenging things”
               “We get to be creative and learn more. We made an art gallery!”
Year 5: “I like Art lessons because you are free to draw and embrace emotions.”
                 “I love art because there’s really no limit to what you can do!”


It is crucial for our children to recognise that art extends beyond the confines of the classroom and holds significant value in society. It is Marlborough’s aim to showcase our school’s artwork in community settings and galleries, so that every child can understand that their creations are worthy of being displayed as individual works of art.

We held our first ever public art exhibit at the ONEROOM gallery in Shoreditch, showcasing children’s art from EYFS to Year 6. Set over 3 floors, we welcomed both the public and our school community to see the artwork in a gallery setting, which not only elevated the children’s work but gave real meaning as to why we create art and how it can make people feel.

We welcomed a number of Artists in Residence into our school, bringing along their expertise, inspiration and broad backgrounds. Working in small groups, our children were able to work closely with the artists, gaining confidence and trying new techniques. Seeing their work around the school, alongside the artists’ own pieces, was a unique experience for our children.

Our children design Christmas cards for Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, which are distributed to patients on the wards and the local community to brighten their days over the Christmas period.


Children from nursery to Year 6 entered their artwork into the Royal Academy Young Artists’ Summer Show. Out of 21,000 entries, we had one sculpture accepted to the online exhibition!

Excellent Examples, from Nursery to Year 6