Marlborough Primary School

Day Care Admissions

Day Care Admissions

At Marlborough Primary School we offer full time and part time places from 6months -2.9 years old in our bespoke setting from 7.45am until 5.30pm each day.

We welcome new children into our day care throughout the year. Currently we have a waiting list and if you would like to add your child’s name please email

Visiting Our Setting 

We have weekly tours on a Tuesday morning at 9.15am and we encourage you to visit our day care and have a look around. Please book onto a tour by calling the school office.

Fees for Our Day Care

Fees as of 1st April 2024 (per month)
Full Day £100.00
Half Day £65.00
Full Week £455.00*
Hourly £13.00

 *Full time reduction 

15 Hour Free Childcare for 2 Year Olds

From April 2024 the government will be extending the 15-hour entitlement to 2-year olds. As such, we plan to reduce our charges on a pro-rata basis for eligible families i.e. we would not charge for the first 15 hours of usage.


5 days per week with entitlement  3 days per week with entitlement  2 days per week with entitlement
£220.00 per week* £165.00 per week £65.00 per week

 *Full time reduction

Are you eligible?

To be able to take up 15 hours of early education for your two-year-old you must meet the eligibility criteria. Please visit  for further information.

From 1st January, 1st April or 1st September following your child’s 2nd birthday.

You will be required to provide us with your code and reconfirm your code with childcare choices every 3 months.

If your child attends the day care for longer than 15 hours each week, you will be charged as per the charges outlined above.

Applying and Accepting a Place in Our Day Care

We manage admissions directly and all applications are sent to

We use the following criteria to allocate day care places when we are oversubscribed:

  • Children that are Looked After Children that live in RBKC
  • Children of a permanent member of the school staff
  • Sibling(s) of pupils who currently attend Marlborough Primary School (by age)
  • Age of the pupil (oldest pupils first)

Children must attend for at least two days per week.

We will contact you as soon as a place is becoming available, we will then invite you and your child into day care for an induction meeting to meet your child’s key person. At the meeting we will also find out about your child, their routines and how we can help them settle in with us.

As well as the induction meeting your child will spend some time in our day care to begin getting to know their key person and the day care setting and team. Once they are settled it is time to begin their exciting journey of learning at Marlborough.